Through the Cornwall Underground and Rock for Charity I have booked established bands and I have booked up and coming musicians their first shows as well. This Friday Raven O'Byrne Lapensee will play her first show ever. The 15 years old singer and guitar player attends La Citadelle high school in Cornwall. Like her mother (Ryann O'Byrne), Raven is an artist and a photographer. She is also a musician. Raven O'Byrne Lapensee is playing her first concert with Zach Benton on February 11th at Cafe Connectionz in Cornwall.
Here are five questions I asked Raven O'Byrne Lapensee:
Jason Setnyk: What genre of music do you consider your work to be? Who are your major influences?
Raven O'Byrne Lapensee: The genre of music I play is acoustic. My biggest influences would have to be The Beatles, The Scene Aesthetic, and Anna Nalick.
Jason Setnyk: What's your ultimate direction for your band? Are you seeking fame and fortune?
Raven O'Byrne Lapensee: I am not seeking fame and fortune in the future. I'd like to be known, but I would not like to be famous.
Jason Setnyk: Do you do any other art besides music?
Raven O'Byrne Lapensee: I love drawing and painting. If you walk in my room, the walls are covered with all my art. It's an amazing pass time. I also take photos. I love capturing a moment in time with a camera.
Jason Setnyk: Do you play covers, originals, or a bit of both?
Raven O'Byrne Lapensee: I play covers of songs I wish I wrote. I am not very good at writing songs. I can't really stay in my own head for that long.
Jason Setnyk: How does it feel playing your first gig ever?
Raven O'Byrne Lapensee: Rock for charity is my first show. I am extremely nervous.
To play on stage takes a lot of courage. I say kudos to Raven for playing her first show this Friday!
Rock for Charity XII is this Friday February 11th 2011 at Cafe Connectionz on 407 Water Street in Cornwall Ontario. Bands playing are SwitchGear, Bryden Avenue, Jeremy Rae Blair with Darlene Deschamps, Tracy Lalonde, Jeanne Ward, Raven Obyrne Lapensee with Zach Benton, Liz Leduc, and your host Jason Setnyk - All Ages/6:30pm/$5 - Benefit for Cornwall's non-profit Winterfest Carnival.
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