October 25th was an exciting day for Maurice Dupelle, after a third try, he was finally elected to Cornwall City Council. Here is my interview with Maurice Dupelle, who is the youngest City Councillor in Cornwall Ontario.
Jason Setnyk: Hello Maurice Dupelle. Thank you for your time. Please tell us a bit about yourself.
Maurice Dupelle: I am 39 years old, married and the proud father of 3 children. I am currently a manager with Community Living. I am a member of Rotary and school chair for Immaculate Conception School, I am council rep for the following committees, MAAC, Audit Committee, Youth Advisory Committee and Social Development Council, Economic Development and Heritage Cornwall.
Jason Setnyk: Is being on City Council what you expected it to be like? What have you learnt early on that you didn't know before being elected?
Maurice Dupelle: As a new member of council it has been very interesting thus far. It is what I expected and more, everyone is really great to work with around the table. The one thing I have come to realize early on is what an amazing administration team we have and what a great job they do.
Jason Setnyk: What is your vision for Arts and Culture in Cornwall Ontario? What would you like to see happen in Cornwall over the next four years? What do you think can be realistically accomplished during this term?
Maurice Dupelle: I very much support the Arts and Culture community. I would like to see this community work together. I would also like to see a working Arts and Culture Council with a coordinator to bring all groups together.
Jason Setnyk: What is your role with Heritage Cornwall? What function does Heritage Cornwall have in persevering our culture? Can you please give an example?
Maurice Dupelle: My role with the Heritage committee is council rep and I am currently the Vice chair. I must be very honest I did not know very much about this committee prior to being appointed to it. This committee does lots of hard work in our community and I continue to do my homework in the way of Heritage in Cornwall. This has certainly been very interesting committee to be part of it.
Jason Setnyk: Thank you Councillor Maurice Dupelle for your time.
Maurice Dupelle: Thank you Jason.
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