Featuring guest speaker Bill Ryan, MEd, MSW
Institute for Minority Sexual Health, McGill University
Tuesday, April 19, 2011, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
353 Pitt Street (across from City Hall)
This evening is a free community initiative. We invite everyone to gather in a safe space to learn and to share ideas about making our community a healthy place for all people regardless of their sexual orientation. Coffee and snacks will be available. To register, please contact Chris Clapp at 613-936-0306, extension 153. Space is limited so please register early.
Bill Ryan is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in issues related to sexual orientation, youth, the elderly homophobia, HIV prevention, same-sex families and parenting, and adapting education, health and social services to the needs of sexual minorities. His research and community involvement have focused on documenting the needs of Canadian gay, lesbian, bisexual and two-spirited people and giving voice to their needs. He is the initiator or founder of many support services based both in Canada and Europe and is the recipient of several awards. He teaches in the School of Social Work as well as in the Gender and Sexual Diversity Program at McGill University in Montréal.
The Seaway Valley Community Health Centre (SVCHC) is a new non-profit organization created to provide primary health care services, health promotion and community development services in the Cornwall area. While Community Health Services serve all people within their catchment area, they have particular expertise in serving people who have difficulty accessing the health care system.
The SVCHC works in conjunction and partnership with a variety of local health care providers, including the existing Centre de santé communautaire de l’Estrie, which primarily services the francophone population. The inter-professional team of health providers includes physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, a social worker, dietitian, health promoter, community health worker, and others who are paid by salary rather than through a fee-for-service.
For more info, visit their website at www.seawayvalleychc.ca
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