The Cornwall Underground has partnered with the Local Seeker - Cornwall's Free Events and Community Newspaper! The Local Seeker will publish some of Jason Setnyk's articles and photos, and in return they will promote the Cornwall Underground blog in their newspaper.
The January 21st edition of the Local Seeker features an interview I did with local author Ryann O'Byrne, and her new book Monarch. The Local Seeker also published a few of my photos from the the Cornwall Cultural Committee fundraiser on January 7th.
In the same edition of the Local Seeker there is also an editorial letter by Sandra Taylor Hedges, and she answers the important question, "Why do we need an Art Center?".
To find out the answer to that, and a whole lot more, pick up the Local Seeker in Cornwall, or read it online: http://thelocalseeker.com
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