The General Electryk is very proud to announce, to coincide with its release of the upcoming album 'Petty Little Things' on Vinyl Format, they we are holding a Competition to be part of the Albums Artwork.
This Competition is in Conjunction with the 2010 Artpreneur Grant Competition and so is limited to applicants from the Cornwall surrounding areas of Stormont, Dundas and Glengary.
We hope to give an opportunity to an Artist, young or old, to be both published on a classic format and showcased in a beautiful work of art.
We are proud to be apart of Cornwall's bright future and this opportunity highlights the passion the band has for the city.
We are searching for creative people to fuel the cities vibrant future, thank you for your support.
Melanie, Angus, Marc, Jason and Noureddhine
The General Electryk
For more info checkout: http://generalelectryk.com/contest/GE-Artwork-Contest.pdf
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