The Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry Provincial and Federal NDP riding associations elected their executive members for 2012 at their joint annual general meetings on February 29 at the Navy Veterans Association in Cornwall. Former Cornwall Mayor Brian Lynch was re-elected as President of both the SDSG provincial and federal NDP riding associations.
Lynch said that 2011 was a very busy year for the local NDP as they increased the local membership by 40% and ran strong local federal and provincial election campaigns. Lynch said: “2012 will be equally busy for the local NDP in SDSG as we continue to build the membership, do community outreach, and fundraise.”
Several members of the SDSG Federal NDP riding association will be attending the federal NDP leadership convention in Toronto on March 23-24. Lynch stated: “With the election of our new leader on March 24 and with many more Canadians joining the NDP across the country, Canadians will see the NDP as the clear choice to the divisive, anti-democratic Harper Government to bring real change for a stronger, more caring Canada.”
At the provincial level, Lynch said that Premier McGuinty should remember that he leads a minority Government and should work with the NDP to create good jobs, stop the corporate tax giveaways, make life more affordable, and tackle our healthcare challenges. Lynch further stated: “Rather than making reckless cuts to essential publlc services as recommended in the Drummond Report, the McGuinty Government should take a balanced approach to balancing the budget by 2017-18 and ensure that the large, profitable corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.”
Also elected to serve on the 17 member local NDP riding associations’ joint executives were Elaine MacDonald as vice president; Paul Aubin , recording secretary; David Denneny, chief financial officer; Diane Besner, membership organizer; Madeleine Lebrun, women’s representative; Carilyne Hebert and Patrique Brisson, youth representatives; Trevor Tolley, Bill DeVries , Deborah Jodoin, Darlene Jalbert, Mario Leclerc, Helene Paquin, Jason Setnyk, Katy Bergeron, Ian Wilson as members-at-large. Brian Lynch and Carilyne Hebert were also elected as the local NDP provincial councillors.
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