Arts and Culture Centre, expanded Trades School, both better bets for Cornwall by Jason Setnyk
Some argue that a casino in Cornwall would create tourism, revenue, and generate business for hotels and restaurants. However for a casino to generate any significant amounts of tourism, it would have to be a world class facility, and that would be costly to build and maintain. City Council only has so much money to spend on infrastructure, so we need to invest wisely and cautiously. With what was spent on the Benson Centre, and with the push not to raise taxes, funding for new infrastructure is limited at best. With that in mind, I can think of more positive ways to invest our municipal tax dollars on infrastructure that could also draw people into our city and stimulate the economy. The creation of an Arts and Culture Centre with marquee events could generate tourism and jobs and it would not create the same societal problems as a casino. The creation of a facility for a large trades and apprenticeship College could draw thousands of people into Cornwall each year. An influx of students would be a huge boost to the apartment rental and housing market, and it would create more jobs in foods and services. Also a larger skilled labour force being trained here would attract new industries and jobs to Cornwall. There are progressive ways to grow this City, like an Arts and Culture Center or an expanded Trades College. I hope City Council has the vision to invest in infrastructure that will make both our economy and our community stronger.
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