Young talented author Jaymie Thurler has her first book published
Article and Interview by Jason Setnyk / Submitted Photo
Published last week in the Local Seeker
Jaymie Michelle Thurler who was raised in Winchester Ontario, and currently a student at North Dundas District High School, has published her first book at the age of 18. It is a children's book entitled My Mother Nature. The book is written by Thurler and illustrated by author Joel Fawcett. The official book launch is Saturday April 14th at the Gathering House in Chesterville Ontario, from 9am to 12pm.
Here is Local Seeker reporter Jason Setnyk's interview with author Jaymie Thurler:
1. Jason Setnyk: What is your book about, and what inspired you to write this book?
Jaymie Thurler: My Mother Nature is about having to find life lessons in places you would never expect. Writing is a therapy to me, so what inspired the story My Mother Nature was how my rebellious past caused a lot of people to unjustly exiled me from their lives and this story kind of represents my struggle and having to look for comfort and love in different places. I also wanted to create a story that would connect children to the earth and raise awareness of the importance Mother Nature plays in everyone’s lives. But Ultimately my illustrator Joel Fawcett, knowing that he had wrote and self published his own novel Stained Glass, really gave me hope to have my own book. And without Joel’s help, it would still be a stained page in my notebook.
2. Jason Setnyk: What is your favourite part of the book?
Jaymie Thurler: I would have to say the illustrations and the versatility of the message, its witty enough to keep a 3 year old giggling but yet has a strong message that could make an adult stop and think.
3. Jason Setnyk: What was the hardest part to write?
Jaymie Thurler: The writing process was fairly easy, but the hardest part would have to have been keeping the rhyming fluent and making sure everything flowed well.
4. Jason Setnyk: What are your favourite books? Have any authors directly influenced your writing?
Jaymie Thurler: My favourite book read to date would have to be Harold Robbins, Goodbye, Janette. I don’t think I have any real influences on my writing because most times I don’t set out to write, it just kind of happens.
5. Jason Setnyk: Do you have a specific writing style?
Jaymie Thurler: Not that I know of, I like to keep my writing raw. My first poetry book was titled Puke on a Page, Which honestly has to be the best title for my writing style, I don’t write when I want to, I write when I have to, and when I do its just kind of what ever is going on in my mind is barfed out through my pen onto that blank page.
6. Jason Setnyk: Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
Jaymie Thurler: Not to sound like a cheese ball but the process of this book taught me you can honestly do anything you want, if you have the drive to get it. If some hippy hearted punk girl can write a book, you can do anything.
Jason Setnyk: Thank you for this interview Jaymie Thurler! Congratulations on your new book! I wish you the best of success, and I can't wait to read it!
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