The Seaway
Roller Derby Girls League is ready to unveil its first ever Women's Flat Track
Roller Derby Team. We've been practicing inside and out up to three times a
week and now are finally ready to reveal to the public our team players, logo
and name along with exciting announcements. Please join us this Saturday, June
23rd at eight o'clock in the evening, at the reception hall of Schnitzels
European Flavours. You will be entertained by Erica Scott, also known as Marsha
Mellow, a self proclaimed Roller Derby Announcing Superstar and stand-up
comedian; she will be introducing and announcing all the important details
throughout the evening. There will also be opportunities to interview the
players and take photographs.
are excited about the opportunities that Roller Derby has brought to the
Cornwall area and to our lives," said Janette Sullivan a.k.a. Taze-Her, CWRDA
representative for the league. "Some women are here for the social aspect
and confidence building and others for the workout, but most of all, for the
love of the Sport". Come and share in the excitement of introducing
Cornwall's first and newest Women's Roller Derby Team and see why Roller Derby
is the fastest growing sport in the world.
Home / Uncategories / Seaway Roller Derby Girls League to unveil team and logo Saturday June 23rd at Schnitzels
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